Malaysia New requirement of Request for Information (RFI) request for renewal application
SIRIM has commenced a new requirement related to renewal of existing type approval certifications for local importer. When a renewal application is submitted, a Request for Information (RFI) will automatically be generated if one or both of the following conditions are found within the period of the certificate validity:
1. There is no Self Labelling Program (SLP) registration of HID/CID number for the manufacturer/principal or importer;
2. There is no serial number/product registration of the approved product.The RFI needs to be responded in writing and returned to SIRIM within 7 days, or else the renewal application will be denied, or the approval is cancelled.
Malaysia updates Shor Range Devices for 5925MHz – 6425MHz frequency band
SIRIM published announcement Ref. No.: SQASI/CMCS/1/22/0001 for Shor Range Devices (SRD) utilizing 5925MHz - 6425MHz frequency band which can be type approval now on 5th February 2022.
The main point as below:
- Test report issued based on standard Draft ETSI EN 303 687 or any equivalent standard shall be accepted for certification under the following conditions:
- The test results comply with the minimum requirements stipulated in item 17 of Table 2-1 in the Second Schedule of the Class Assignment No. 1 of 2022 (as in Table 1 below):
Frequncy Band |
Maximum Power |
5925MHz - 6425MHz |
25mW EIRP (for indoor and outdoor)
200mW EIRP (for indoor only)
Please refer attached class Assignment No.1 of 2022 and announcement Ref. No.: SQASI/CMCS/1/22/0001
The official link of announcement is as below:
Malaysia SIRIM implements the marketing name field of the certificate
SIRIM implements the marketing name field of the certificate, applicants are required to fill in the marketing name of a product in each Compliance Approval
(Type Approval) application to facilitate the public searching/ enquiry for product certification status in Check Your Label (CYL) Mobile Application and enforcement purpose.
It is purposedly for public awareness in buying certified product in market. Most products do not use the model name as the marketing name. This will cause confusion to the public as the certified products are not found in the list of certified products.
The main points as below:
1. If there’s no marketing name during the type approval application, it is allowed to put the model name as a marketing name.
2. Multiple marketing name are acceptable. But certificate holder shall the differences of each of marketing name.
3. For the certificate without marketing name, the marketing name does not affect the importation process.
The official link is as below, please refer to Announcement Ref. No.: SQASI/CMCS/1/21/0020: