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Indonesia will enforce updated Technical Requirements for Short range devices in August

Indonesian Authority Ministry of Communications and Informatics (MCI) published Regulation no. 260 Year 2024 dated May 13, 2024 about “Technical Standards for Short Range Devices”, which will come into force 90 days from the date of stipulation (August 11, 2024).

Compared to the existing “Technical Specifications of Short Range Devices” no. 161 Year 2019, some changes were made:

- For RFID technology, frequency bands of 433-434.79MHz and 2400-2483.5MHz are additionally allowed


- UWB technology in frequency band of 3.1GHz-10.6GHz is allowed


- Added product category “Wireless Power Transmission”


- Added product category “Intelligent Transport Systems-ITS”


- For devices with transmitting power <10 mW, the frequency bands of 402-405 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz, 5250-5350 MHz, 5725-5825 MHz and 24-24.5 GHz have been deleted.

- For SRD applications:


(1) Non-specific SRD in frequency band of 57-64GHz is allowed


(2) The maximum output power limit of 5150-5350MHz waschanged to 100mW e.i.r.p. (it was 200 mW e.i.r.p.) and the allowed frequency band of 5725-5825MHz was expanded to 5725-5850MHz.


Newly allowed UWB devices and SRD in 57-64GHz can be tested in SDPPI lab already.










SDPPI updates lists of recognized overseas labs whose test reports are acceptable for document evaluation

Indonesia Authority SDPPI issued Decree No. 109 Year 2024 on “Determination of Overseas Test Centers for Telecommunications Equipment and/or Telecommunications Equipment Certification Purposes” (“Decree”), which is valid from April 1, 2024until December 31, 2024.


This Decree updates the lists of recognized overseas testing laboratories for HKT (cellular phones, handheld commuters and tablet computers) and non-HKT equipment.


The Decree can be downloaded from here:








Indonesia will implementenew regulation about certification of Telecommunications equipment in May,2024

Indonesian Authority Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (KOMINFO) published Regulation Number 3 of 2024 concerning Certification of Telecommunications Tools and/or Telecommunications Devices. This regulation was promulgated on February 23, 2024and will come into force after 90 calendar days (May 23, 2024) to replace previous regulation Number 16 of 2018. Based on the new regulation, some chaneshave been made, including:


1.Certificate holder is obliged to put a label on

every certified device and itspackage or wrapping:

The label includes:

a.Certificate number and PLG ID;

b.QR Code; And

c.warning signs and warning statement

If the size of the certified device is too small so that it is not possible to attach a label, the label can be installed only on the packaging or wrapping. The certificate holder should upload the photo of certified device with label to Authority’s system no later than 30 days after the Certificate is issued.



2.For certification of cellular telephones, handheld computers and tablet computers, the test reports issued by the domestic test center and/ or overseas testing center should be no later than 5 (five) years before the date of the Certificate application.


3.Authority will caryyout supervision on the Telecommunications Tools and/orTelecommunications Devices in below ways:

a.Certificate inspection;

b.inspection of Telecommunications Equipment and/or TelecommunicationsEquipment labels; And

c.inspection of the suitability of Telecommunications Equipment and/orTelecommunications Devices manufactured, assembled, or imported, for tradeand/or use in Indonesia, with Technical Standards as a reference in theCertificate.



It’s expected that Authority will hold a socialization meeting on implementation of above and other changes.



The regulation can be downloaded from here: +Menteri+komunikasi+dan+informatika+nomor+3+tahun+ 2024








Indonesia SDPPI certification fees will be adjusted in November,2023.

President of Indonesia signed Government Regulation (the “Regulation) Number 43 of 2023 on September 19, 2023to make adjustments totypes and rates of non-tax state revenue that applied to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. 


Based on this Regulation, the fee of certification of telecommunication equipment by various methods will be adjusted:


 - New certificate using Local Test Report


 - New certificate using overseas non-MRA Test report for devices OTHER THAN Cellular Phones, Handheld Computers and

    Table Computers Products


 - New certificate using Combination of local and overseas non-MRA test reports for devices OTHER THAN Cellular Phones,

    Handheld Computers and Table Computers Products


The regulation will be effective on November 18, 2023.



All the payments made after November 16, 2023will apply new prices.








Technical Requirements for 76-77GHz radar are published in Indonesia.


In 2020, we informed you that Indonesian Authority Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MCI) published “Technical Requirements of automotive short range radar system equipment and / or telecommunications equipment” for vehicular radar in 76-77GHz but no local test lab could test this device at that time. Now BalaiBesarPengujianPerangkatTelekomunikasi (BBPPT or SDPPI Lab) can test this device already.







SDPPI Certification of HKT products with 4G and/or 5G functions requires TKDN of 35% from April 18, 2022

Indonesia Authority SDPPI published Announcement No. 213/DJSDPPI.5/SP.04.09/04/2022 about “Implementation of Domestic Component Level (TKDN) changes for the certification process of subscriber station of telecommunications devices based on Long Term Evolution Technology Standards and/or based on International Mobile Telecommunications-2020 Technology Standards” (the “Announcement”).


According to this Announcement, starting from April 18, 2022, applications for certification of cellular telephone sets, tablet computers, handheld computers and Wifi(Mifi) modems based on the Long TermEvolution (LTE) technology standards and/or based on International Mobile Telecommunications-2020 Technology Standards (5G) must be submitted with a Domestic Component Level (TKDN) Certificate with a minimum TKDN value of 35%.








SDPPI continues to allow document evaluation for HKT (cellular phones, handheld commuters and tablet computers) and non-HKT equipment until December 31st 2021

Indonesia Authority SDPPI automatically extended the recognition validity of those foreign test laboratories, which were listed in Decision No. 11 Year 2021.


It means document evaluation applications based on test reports issued by those recognized foreign test laboratories can be accepted for another 6 months until December 31, 2021.


SDPPI hasn’t published any official regulation about this decision but we can already see the extended recognition validity on SDPPI’s official website:










New requirements for document evaluation applications of Telecommunication Equipment will be enforced in Indonesia

The SDPPI issued Announcement No. 457/DJSDPPI.5/SP.04.09/06/2021 about “Obligation to attach the summary of reference pages of test report” (the “Announcement”) with an effective date on July 4, 2021. 

According to this Announcement, applications for certification of telecommunication tools and/or equipment using a test report issued by the Overseas Testing Center (by document evaluation) must attach a summary of reference pages of the test report related to the technical requirements applicable in Indonesia as a reference for testing.

The summary of references page should be provided by the overseas testing center and the templates are provided as an Appendix of this Announcement.


This requirement was mentioned in previously published Decision No. 11 the Year 2021 on “Recognition of the foreign test laboratories for certification of telecommunications equipment and/or tools” enforced on January 22 this year, but it wasn’t enforced at that time.









Technical Requirements for 5G NR technology are published in Indonesia


Indonesian Authority Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MCI) published Regulation no. 5 Year 2021 dated May 3rd , 2021 about “Technical Standards for telecommunication tools and / or telecommunication equipment based on technology standards International Mobile Telecommunication - 2020 (IMT-2020)” with immediate effect.


Based on this regulation, below frequency bands are allowed for 5G New Radio (5G NR) technology:



Operating Band

Uplink (MHz)

Downlink (MHz)

Duplex Mode





















Certification applications by document evaluation can be accepted now.



Local accredited labs can’t test this technology yet.








SDPPI continues to allow document evaluation for HKT (cellular phones, handheld commuters, and tablet computers) and non-HKT equipment until July 2021

Indonesia Authority SDPPI issued Decision No. 11 the Year 2021 on “Recognition of the foreign test laboratories for certification of telecommunications equipment and/or tools” (“Decision”) with an effective date of January 22, 2021. 

(This Decision is not officially published so please do not release it to clients.)

Based on this Decision, document evaluation applications based on test reports issued by recognized foreign test laboratories can be accepted for 6 more months until July 21, 2021.

More labs were added to the lists of recognized foreign testing laboratories for HKT (cellular phones, handheld commuters and tablet computers) and non-HKT equipment in this Decision.


Please feel free to check with us if your test reports can be accepted for document evaluation. 

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