Updated Guideline for IFT Seal
IFETEL published the updated Guideline for the use of the IFT Seal (logo) on approved devices for telecommunications or broadcasting, dated October 2, 2024.
The main changes are:
1. Implementation Timeline for IFT Seal (Logo): The implementation has been postponed to July 1, 2025.
2. Vector File of the IFT Seal (Logo): The vector file will be obtained through the IFETEL electronic window. After submitting an application to IFETEL, they will email the vector file to the presenter and the local representative.
3. Marking for Small Products: Below are flexible labeling options, extracted from relevant regulations.
Eighth of the updated Guideline:
Eighth- In the event that the Product is so small that it is not possible to display the marking or labeling physically on the Product or on its box or packaging, nor can it be displayed electronically on the Product, it must be displayed physically in its manual or, if applicable, in the electronic manual as indicated in the Thirty-eighth of the Approval Guidelines.
Thirty-eighth of the Approval Guidelines:
Exceptionally, in the event that the Product is so small that it is not possible to display the marking or labeling physically on the Product itself, it may be displayed electronically in the operating system of the Product itself if it is not possible in the above cases to display the number on its container, packaging, label, wrapper, travel sheet, internal electronic record or manual.
Please find the official link for the updated Guidelines as below.
Guideline for IFT Seal on approved devices for telecommunications or broadcasting
IFETEL published the Guideline for the use of the IFT Seal on approved devices for telecommunications or broadcasting on December 26, 2023.
The guideline will be enforced in 180 (one hundred and eighty) business days after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Federation.
IFT Seal specifications:
The holder of a Certificate of Homologation, subsidiaries, and importers, must use the IFT Seal, as the specifications established as below:
1. The IFT Seal must be printed in 100% black or 100% negative black, respecting the protection areas and minimum printing dimensions as defined in Figure 1 as below.
2. The IFT Seal must be legible without the magnification, and easily visible to the end user, considering the minimum printing dimensions.
3. The IFT Seal proposal must be provided when applying for the Certificate of Homologation.
Permanent marking or labeling of the IFT Seal:
In the marking or labeling of the approved products, the IFT Seal must be included, in addition to the prefix "IFT" in capital letters and the Homologation Certificate number.
It is not mandatory to include the IFT Seal in the marking or labeling of those products that have been approved prior to the enforcement of the Guidelines as well as the products for which the process to obtain their Certificate of Homologation has been initiated prior to the enforcement of the Guidelines.
Please find the official link for the Guidelines as below.
IFETEL classifies the 5925MHz-6425MHz as unlicensed band
IFETEL officially published the regulation which classifies the frequency band 5925MHz-6425MHz as unlicensed band on the Official Gazette of the Mexican Federation on March 7, 2023.
The regulation establishes technical operating conditions of the frequency band 5925-6425 MHz and is enforced since the publishing date.
∙ The identification of unlicensed band for the 5925MHz-6425MHz segment, which is a part of the internationally known band for 6GHz, will allow its use by the general public without license or authorization by the Institute.
∙ The 500MHz of spectrum at the low end of the 6GHz band will allow to offer new services with the technology known as WiFi-6E in Mexico.
∙ With the allocation of this segment, the amount of spectrum will double for the provision of Wi-Fi services in the country, adding to that of the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands that are already used by these systems.
∙ With this classification, the short and medium term demand can be met for unlicensed band for communications with Wi-Fi technology as well as other technologies that occupy that type of spectrum.
It is important to highlight that within the operating conditions of this unlicensed band, its use was determined for indoor low power systems and indoor as well as outdoor very low power systems.

Please refer to the official link for the regulation as below:
IFETEL New type approval procedure
Following on from our news published on June 28, 2022, we would like to remind that the new type approval procedure were already started from June 27, 2022. Here we would like to notify you the certificate validity:
After the enforcement of the new type approval procedure, the IFETEL certificate for Type B and Type C is issued with lifetime validity, and 90 days before two years after issuance date of the certificate (21 months after issuance date), the renewal application must be submitted to keep the lifetime validity. Previously, the provisional IFETEL certificate was with 1 year validity, and after the renewal, it was issued with lifetime validity.
Remark: All the provisional certificates that were approved before June 26, 2022 were given 1 year grace period to submit the renewal application before its expiry date to remain the same IFETEL ID number as before.
If there is a provisional certificate that has expired, it has to be processed as a new application with new IFETEL ID number.
IFETEL New type approval procedure
IFETEL published an updated type approval procedure for telecommunication products, dated December 29, 2021, which mentions that below identifies could be the certificate holder:
1. Each local Importers/ distributor, dealer or wholesaler.
2. Manufacturer’s affiliates or branch office/ Main control of distributor, dealer or wholesaler.
For the product which obtains both NOM and IFETEL certificates by Manufactures’ affiliates or branch in Mexico that Main control of their importers/ distributor, dealer or wholesaler, additional importer/ distributor, dealer or wholesale can be listed to the NOM and IFETEL certificates to import, sell and operate the product, and all the products will label with same IFETEL certificate number and NOM logos.
For the product which obtains IFETEL certificate only (process by perito, Mexican professional engineer), additional importer/ distributor, dealer or wholesaler cannot be listed to the IFETEL certificate. However, all the importers, dealers, or wholesale will be able to import, sell and operate the product as marked with the same IFETEL certificate number.
IFETEL grants a transition period of 180 days after its publication on December 29, 2021, which will be June 26, 2022
In the same document, it also mentions the new IFETEL label requirement as follows:
Each Approved Product must have a physical or electronic marking or labeling, which must contain at least the following: 1. The number of the obtained Homologation Certificate. 2. The Type Approval Certificate number must be preceded by the prefix "IFT" in capital letters on a single line and must be legible without the aid of magnification. In addition, the aforementioned information may be provided on the packaging and/or in the manual.