SDPPI updates lists of recognized overseas labs whose test reports are acceptable for document evaluation
Indonesia Authority SDPPI issued Decree No. 109 Year 2024 on “Determination of Overseas Test Centers for Telecommunications Equipment and/or Telecommunications Equipment Certification Purposes” (“Decree”), which is valid from April 1, 2024until December 31, 2024.
This Decree updates the lists of recognized overseas testing laboratories for HKT (cellular phones, handheld commuters and tablet computers) and non-HKT equipment.
The Decree can be downloaded from here:
Indonesia will implementenew regulation about certification of Telecommunications equipment in May,2024
Indonesian Authority Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (KOMINFO) published Regulation Number 3 of 2024 concerning Certification of Telecommunications Tools and/or Telecommunications Devices.
This regulation was promulgated on February 23, 2024and will come into force after 90 calendar days (May 23, 2024) to replace previous regulation Number 16 of 2018.
Based on the new regulation, some chaneshave been made, including:
1.Certificate holder is obliged to put a label on
every certified device and itspackage or wrapping
The label includes:
a.Certificate number and PLG ID;
b.QR Code; And
c.warning signs and warning statement
If the size of the certified device is too small so that it is not possible to attach a label, the label can be installed only on the packaging or wrapping.
The certificate holder should upload the photo of certified device with label to Authority’s system no later than 30 days after the Certificate is issued.
2.For certification of cellular telephones, handheld computers and tablet computers, the test reports issued by the domestic test center and/ or overseas testing center should be no later than 5 (five) years before the date of the Certificate application.
3.Authority will caryyout supervision on the Telecommunications Tools and/orTelecommunications Devices in below ways:
a.Certificate inspection;
b.inspection of Telecommunications Equipment and/or TelecommunicationsEquipment labels; And
c.inspection of the suitability of Telecommunications Equipment and/orTelecommunications Devices manufactured, assembled, or imported, for tradeand/or use in Indonesia, with Technical Standards as a reference in theCertificate.
It’s expected that Authority will hold a socialization meeting on implementation of above and other changes.
The regulation can be downloaded from here:
Technical Requirements for 76-77GHz radar are published in Indonesia.
In 2020, we informed you that Indonesian Authority Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MCI) published “Technical Requirements of automotive short range radar system equipment and / or telecommunications equipment” for vehicular radar in 76-77GHz but no local test lab could test this device at that time. Now BalaiBesarPengujianPerangkatTelekomunikasi (BBPPT or SDPPI Lab) can test this device already.
SDPPI Certification of HKT products with 4G and/or 5G functions requires TKDN of 35% from April 18, 2022
Indonesia Authority SDPPI published Announcement No. 213/DJSDPPI.5/SP.04.09/04/2022 about “Implementation of Domestic Component Level (TKDN) changes for the certification process of subscriber station of telecommunications devices based on Long Term Evolution Technology Standards and/or based on International Mobile Telecommunications-2020 Technology Standards” (the “Announcement”).
According to this Announcement, starting from April 18, 2022, applications for certification of cellular telephone sets, tablet computers, handheld computers and Wifi(Mifi) modems based on the Long TermEvolution (LTE) technology standards and/or based on International Mobile Telecommunications-2020 Technology Standards (5G) must be submitted with a Domestic Component Level (TKDN) Certificate with a minimum TKDN value of 35%.
SDPPI continues to allow document evaluation for HKT (cellular phones, handheld commuters and tablet computers) and non-HKT equipment until December 31st 2021
Indonesia Authority SDPPI automatically extended the recognition validity of those foreign test laboratories, which were listed in Decision No. 11 Year 2021.
It means document evaluation applications based on test reports issued by those recognized foreign test laboratories can be accepted for another 6 months until December 31, 2021.
SDPPI hasn’t published any official regulation about this decision but we can already see the extended recognition validity on SDPPI’s official website:
New requirements for document evaluation applications of Telecommunication Equipment will be enforced in Indonesia
The SDPPI issued Announcement No. 457/DJSDPPI.5/SP.04.09/06/2021 about “Obligation to attach the summary of reference pages of test report” (the “Announcement”) with an effective date on July 4, 2021.
According to this Announcement, applications for certification of telecommunication tools and/or equipment using a test report issued by the Overseas Testing Center (by document evaluation) must attach a summary of reference pages of the test report related to the technical requirements applicable in Indonesia as a reference for testing.
The summary of references page should be provided by the overseas testing center and the templates are provided as an Appendix of this Announcement.
This requirement was mentioned in previously published Decision No. 11 the Year 2021 on “Recognition of the foreign test laboratories for certification of telecommunications equipment and/or tools” enforced on January 22 this year, but it wasn’t enforced at that time.
Technical Requirements for 5G NR technology are published in Indonesia
Indonesian Authority Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MCI) published Regulation no. 5 Year 2021 dated May 3rd , 2021 about “Technical Standards for telecommunication tools and / or telecommunication equipment based on technology standards International Mobile Telecommunication - 2020 (IMT-2020)” with immediate effect.
Based on this regulation, below frequency bands are allowed for 5G New Radio (5G NR) technology:
Operating Band
Uplink (MHz)
Downlink (MHz)
Duplex Mode
Certification applications by document evaluation can be accepted now.
Local accredited labs can’t test this technology yet.
SDPPI continues to allow document evaluation for HKT (cellular phones, handheld commuters, and tablet computers) and non-HKT equipment until July 2021
Indonesia Authority SDPPI issued Decision No. 11 the Year 2021 on “Recognition of the foreign test laboratories for certification of telecommunications equipment and/or tools” (“Decision”) with an effective date of January 22, 2021.
(This Decision is not officially published so please do not release it to clients.)
Based on this Decision, document evaluation applications based on test reports issued by recognized foreign test laboratories can be accepted for 6 more months until July 21, 2021.
More labs were added to the lists of recognized foreign testing laboratories for HKT (cellular phones, handheld commuters and tablet computers) and non-HKT equipment in this Decision.
Please feel free to check with us if your test reports can be accepted for document evaluation.
SDPPI continues to allow document evaluation for telecom equipment other than cellular phones, handheld computers, and tablet computers until July 2020
Indonesia Authority SDPPI published Decision No. 36 Year 2020 on “Recognition of foreign test centers for telecommunications equipment other than cellular phones, handheld computers, and tablet computers” with immediate effect.
This regulation is valid for 6 months until July 22nd , 2020.
Based on Decision no. 36, Telecommunications equipment other than cellular phones, handheld commuters, and tablet computers can be certified based on test reports issued by foreign recognized test labs.
A list of 150 foreign recognized test labs is provided in the Decision.
Compared to the previous list of recognized labs, 60 labs were removed.
Please feel free to check with us if your test reports can be accepted for document evaluation.
New Regulation for SRD is published in Indonesia
Indonesian Authority Ministry of Communication and Informatics (MCI) published Regulation no. 161 Year 2019 dated July 18, 2019 about “Technical Requirements for telecommunication tools and/or equipment of Short Range Devices” with immediate effect.
This Regulation clearly defines technical requirements for below telecommunication tools and/or equipment:
a. Bluetooth
b. Telecommunication devices with transmitting power less than 10mW
c. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
d. New Field Communication (NFC)
e. Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) IEEE802.15.4.
f. Intelligent Transport Systems
g. Other Short Range Devices
Telecommunication tools and/or equipment certified according to this regulation doesn’t require warning sign/statement on package.
Indonesia SDPPI / Document Evaluation allowed for All Products
Indonesia Authority SDPPI published the new regulation KEPDIRJEN SDPPI Number 159 of 2019 last Friday, July 19, 2019 to accept RF and EMC test reports from international accredited laboratories outside Indonesia for all products. The newly announced accredited lab list can be found from page 5 to 19 of the attachment.
Test reports from these labs can be accepted to go through document evaluation. Earlier, SDPPI only allowed Tablet PC, Cellular phones and handheld computers to be approved by document evaluation. This new regulation allows for 6 months starting from July 22, 2019 until January 22, 2020. If you would like to get the certificate sooner, please take this chance to skip local testing and pay for document evaluation.
All RF and Telecom equipment requires local testing except cellular phones, handheld commuters and tablet computers in Indonesia
Following our news about Decision Letter No. 138 Year 2019 on April 26, 2019, today Indonesia Authority SDPPI published new announcement letter no. 406 (as attached) allowing the use of EMC test reports issued by overseas test lab accredited by SDPPI for document evaluation. This announcement is valid for 6 months until October 15, 2019.
As for document evaluation based on RF overseas test reports, SDPPI will have an internal meeting about it soon. Hopefully, this option can be allowed again. We will keep you updated with the latest development.
All RF and Telecom equipment requires local testing except cellular phones, handheld commuters and tablet computers in Indonesia
On April 24, Indonesia Authority SDPPI published Decision Letter No. 138 Year 2019 on “Recognition of foreign test centers for telecommunication equipment cellular phones, handheld commuters and tablet computers” with immediate effect. This regulation is valid for 6 months.
Based on Regulation No. 138 Year 2019, cellular phones, handheld commuters, and tablet computers can be certified based on test reports issued by foreign recognized test labs. A list of foreign recognized test labs is provided in the regulation.
After the publication of this regulation, SDPPI requested local testing of other wireless and telecom equipment and rejected many document evaluation applications based on foreign test reports already.
However, it’s expected that SDPPI will soon accept foreign EMC test reports issued by test labs accredited again ISO/IEC 17025 and accredited by APLAC-MRA, ILAC-MRA and/or recognized in IECEE scheme again.
Indonesia updates labelling requirements since January 1, 2019
Indonesia Authority SDPPI held a seminar on February 6, 2019 about technical guidance on implementation of Regulation No. 16 Year 2018 “Operational Provisions of Certification of Telecommunication Tools and/or Devices”, which was enforced on December 31, 2018.
Here is summary of topics discussed in the seminar:
Label/QR Code/Warning Sign:
1. If certificate holder fails to upload the photo of Label, QR Code and warning sign to SDPPI’s website within 30 working days after certificate issuance, SDPPI will issue 1st notification letter.
If certificate holder doesn’t upload the photo within 14 working days, 2nd notification letter will be issued. After receiving 2nd notification letter, if certificate holder still doesn’t upload the photo within 14 working days, 3rd notification letter will be issued. As a result, the certificate will be revoked and certificate holder will be blacklisted and can’t apply for new certificate for 2 years.

2. Certificate holder should upload 2 photo of label/QR code/warning sign. One is close up photo, another is complete photo of device/packaging. For example:
<Close up photo>

3. For pre-installed device, if it’s impossible to attach label on the device due to small size (for example for car key), the label can be attached either on device’s user manual (for example car immobilizer or car key manual, if any) or on host product’s manual (for example car manual). And if there is no packaging of pre-installed device, QR code and Warning sign can be attached on user Manual as well. (This is oral confirmation by officer in the seminar, no document proof.)
4. Except “Machine Combination of Non-Color/Color printer, copier, and faximile Combination machine” (HS Code 8443.31.31/8443.31.39), label/QR code/Warning sign of other radio and telecom equipment can be affixed after the equipment passes customs or in the warehouse as long as it’s not entering to the market yet.
Required documents for certification:
1. Test report: (local and overseas)
(1) As long as there’s no change in technical specification of the product and no further regulation change, test report is valid forever.
(2) If applicant (certificate holder) is not test report holder, an authorization letter from test report holder is required.
2. Appointment letter (MoU) from brand owner to applicant as official representative or distributor in Indonesia is required.
Indonesia Authority SDPPI published Regulation No. 16 Year 2018 on “Operational Provisions of Certification of Telecommunication Tools and/or Devices” with immediate effect on December 31, 2018. This regulation is to replace Regulation No. 18 Year 2014 about “Certification of Telecommunication Devices and Equipment”.
In addition to inclusion of changes that were already enforced last August in accordance with Regulation No. 7 Year of 2018, current new regulation also incorporates provisions about labelling and supervision as below:
Every certified Telecommunication Equipment should be affixed with label and QR Code before being traded and / or used in Indonesia.
Warning sign and statement should additionally be affixed to the certified Telecommunication Equipment except short range devices.

Certificate Holder must report the implementation of Label, QR Code and warning signs to SDPPI no later than 30 working days from the issuance of the certificate by uploading photos of the certified equipment affixed with Labels, QR Code and warning signs.
Authority will carry out supervision in forms of:
- Conformity check on label and QR code
- Pick test of products circulating in the market
Failure to meet above labelling requirement or failing the pick test might result in revoke of certificate or more sanctions.
Indonesia temporarily accepts EMC test reports issued by non-SDPPI accredited overseas labs
SDPPI once again extended the deadline for accepting EMC test reports issued by non- SDPPI accredited overseas labs to February 28, 2019. The EMC lab should be accredited again ISO/IEC 17025 and accredited by APLAC-MRA, ILAC-MRA and/or recognized in IECEE scheme.
The SDPPI extended the deadline for accepting EMC test reports issued by non- SDPPI accredited overseas labs to January 31, 2019. The EMC lab should be accredited again ISO/IEC 17025 and accredited by APLAC-MRA, ILAC-MRA and/or recognized in IECEE scheme.
Indonesia Authority SDPPI started to request for mandatory EMC test of almost all RF and Telecom equipment since this September. Initially, only EMC test reports issued by accredited local or overseas test labs (SDPPI has a list of accredited overseas labs) can be accepted for certification.
This requirement resulted in huge demands for local EMC tests and the lead time can be up to 3 months and more. To solve the problem, SDPPI temporarily accepts EMC test reports issued by non- SDPPI accredited overseas labs as long as the lab is accredited again ISO/IEC 17025 and accredited by APLAC-MRA, ILAC-MRA and/or recognized in IECEE scheme.
Telecommunication equipment with 4G/LTE function can be certified without testing in Indonesia
Based on recently published notice issued by Indonesian Authority SDPPI, telecommunication equipment with 4G/LTE function can be certified without testing.
However, RF/EMC test reports, TKDN certificate and samples are still required for certification. Under this simplified process, lead time can be largely reduced.
For more details, please kindly contact us.
Indonesia's DGPIR changing modular approval rules
Based on the recent clarification made by Indonesian Authority DGPIR, the below modular and system approval rules are being applied until the end of this year in Indonesia.
1. For notebook, if the embedded wireless module is already certified by DGPIR, the system approval of notebook can be assessed and certified based on paper review process.
2. For other host devices, even if the embedded wireless module is already certified by DGPIR, the system approval still have to undergo repeat tests.
Since there is no official regulations about this, the situation may be further changed.
Besides, as we know, there are two types of certificate are available in Indonesia. Type A certificate is issued to manufacturers and their local branches. Type B certificate is issued to local company. Currently, DGPIR is considering to cancel certificates types based on applicant’s identification. This change won’t affect previous application and requirements.
Both manufacturer and local companies can still apply for certificates. For importation of products, every importer should have their own certificate. But if the manufacturer already obtained a certificate, importers can apply for their own certificates of the same product based on manufacturer’s certificate without the need of local testing.
This change is still in draft mode. DGPIR didn’t specify the exact implementation date of this change. If there will have more confirmed date or further changes, we will keep you updated.
DGPT publish national standard No. 233/DIRJEN/2010 which opened operating frequency 5.725-5.825 GHz for 802.11a/n
The key parameters are below:
1. Frequency Range : 5725-5825 MHz
2. Modulation Type: FSK / BPSK / QPSK / QAM / CCK
3. Access Method: TDMA/FDMA/CDMA/CSMA- CA
4. Multiplexing: OFDM / TDM / FDM
5. Technology: DSSS / FHSS
7. Spurious All Band:-50dBc
8. Receiver sensitivity: £ - 58 dBm
9. Radiated Emission Limit: 500 μV / m
10. Interface (Interface): IEEE 802.3 compliant(Ethernet) / E1/T1
11. Frequency Hopping : ≥ 75 hopping frequencies
12. Maximum Bandwidth: 1 MHz (FCC 15.)