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Home arrow-rootBrazil - New Act 5155 replaces Act 5159 (Testing requirements for Mobile Phone Chargers)

ANATEL published the new Act 5155 which replaces the actual Act 5159 with testing requirements for Mobile Phone Chargers on April 17, 2024. The new act will be enforced on October 14, 2024.

Here are the main changes of the new Act 5155:

1. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) Levels for Vehicular Chargers: Under the new Act, the ESD requirements for Vehicular Chargers have been refined. Especifically, ESD must now comply with Item 8.3 of ISO 10605/2008, with levels set at 6 kV (removed 2/4kV) for contact discharges and 8 kV (removed 4/6kV) for air discharges.

2. Streamlined Surge and Transient Immunity Testing: For Vehicular Chargers, Surge and transient immunity testing now only need to be applied in pulses 2a, 3a, and 3b, as per ISO 7637-2/2004, eliminating the requirement for pulses 2b.

3. Safety Tests on Wall Adapters: The new regulations stipulate that 22 normal samples of the adapter will be required for safety testing, ensuring robust assessment procedures.

4. Dimensional test for wall adapters’ Plug: Effective from January 1, 2025, adapters will be mandatory to demonstrate compliance with the dimension specifications, as per item 9.1 of standard ABNT NBR NM 60884-1/2010 (Plugs and sockets for domestic and similar use) and Annex A of standard ABNT NBR 14136/2012 (Plugs and sockets for domestic and similar use up to 20A/250 V in AC current). If manufacturers wish to perform testing using Act 5155, the dimensional requirements will be optional for chargers homologated before January 1, 2025.

5. New mechanical, electrical and thermal stresses testing for wall adaptor: 1,000 cycles of connection and disconnection to see if there is any deterioration that affects safety or prevents their subsequent use, withstand voltage (2000V) after the connection/disconnection cycle to check leakage current. Chargers must withstand mechanical testing such as Free Fall, Impact, Compression, Traction, and Abrasion tests without exhibiting safety-compromising deterioration.

After the enforcement of the new Act 5155, Vehicles chargers certified according to Act 5159 will NOT need to repeat testing during the renewal.

Please see below official link for Act 5155 on ANATEL website.


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