Australian Authority ACMA repealed the below Labelling Notices and standards on February 25, 2023.
-Radiocommunications (Compliance Labelling –Electromagnetic Radiation) Notice 2014 (the EME Labelling Notice);
-Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Radiation –Human Exposure) Standard 2014 (the Human Exposure Standard);
-Radiocommunications (Compliance Labelling –Devices) Notice 2014 (the Radiocommunications Labelling Notice);
-14 radiocommunications technical standards (old general standards)
Now the equipment supply regulation relating to EME, the content of 13 old general standards and the Radiocommunications Labelling Notice are now specified in the attached Radiocommunications Equipment (General) Rules 2021 with some amendments.
In addition to the Regulatory Compliance Mark (RCM) symbol, a compliance label also can be a QR code, or similar thing, with a relevant link to information on a website that displays the RCM prominently.
You can refer to related information on Authority’s website:
Feel free to contact us for more details.