The Lao authority MTC (The Office of the Ministry of Technology and Communications) has released Agreement No. 1495 about label requirements for certified telecommunications and ICT equipment. It will be enforced on July 12, 2023.
The followings are the main points for your reference:
1. Label Type and Format
Depending on the equipment and certification type, the label is divided into 2 types as follows:
2. Display location The device, the package box, or the equipment's user manual.
3. Application for label The label should be applied and purchased by the local importers.
4. Validity of the label The label validity follows the certification document and should be renewed accordingly.
The old certificate can be used until the expiry. They can still use the certificate without a label.
The authority understands that all old certificates will expire within the next year, and all old certificates will apply to the new regulation and the label regulation respectively.
Please refer to the regulation via the below link:
Pls feel free to contact us for more details.